Czas trwania (10m 56s), zobacz .

HUGE MECH BATTLE IN JUST CAUSE 3!!! :: Just Cause 3 Land Assault DLC!

Zainteresowanie wasze: 114200, czas trwania: 10m 56s, ciekawe: obecnie brak dodatkowej informacji, ocena: 2383. Komentarze od was:

- challenge grapple a car to the bottom of the cargo plane land the cargo plane upside down and drive the car of of the plane
- mech land assault or sky fortress
- 👍🏻
- why is the vid called huge mech battle land assault dlc IF THERES NO DLC oh I know CLICK BATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Lol
- Hi?
- Pick cargo plane with mech sorry
- Pick cargo plane with drone
- How did you get the mech? I bought the DLC but I don't have it
- i left a liek cus u said plz :)
- Get a mech in a cargo plane fly it over a heavily armored base drop the mech with you in it and liberate the base without dying or getting out of the mech
- Hi Vadact im a German fan and i love your Videos they are so funny!!Go so on

And sorry for my bad English 😁
- hey Vadact I really enjoy your challenge videos and would really appreciate it if you featured one of my ideas. try liberating a base using only the bavarium wingsuit (no landing ) another idea probably more challenging is to liberate an entire base using only the head of a di Ravello statue (by grappling)
- hey Vadact I really enjoy your challenge videos and would really appreciate it if you featured one of my ideas. try liberating a base using only the bavarium wingsuit (no landing ) another idea probably more challenging is to liberate an entire base using only the head of a di Ravello statue (by grappling)
- Hey Vadact i really love your challenge videos and would really appreciate it if you featured one of my ideas :-D try liberating a base using only the bavarium wingsuit in one flight (no landing). another probably more challenging idea is to liberate an entire base using only the head of a di Ravello statue (by grappling )
- Hey Vadact i really love your challenge videos and would really appreciate it if you featured one of my ideas :-D try liberating a base using only the bavarium wingsuit in one flight (no landing). another probably more challenging idea is to liberate an entire base using only the head of a di Ravello statue (by grappling)
- Hey Vadact i really love your challenge videos and would really appreciate it if you featured one of my ideas :-D try liberating a base using only the bavarium wingsuit in one flight (no landing). another probably more challenging idea is to liberate an entire base using only the head of a di Ravello statue (by grappling)
- Challenge : Use a helicopter to crash yourself into a bridge,But don't destroy all the bridge, only a gap, with that gap, try to jump with a car in stunt mode AND try to destroy the bridge while you are in stunt mode.
- I bought just cause 3 the other day I haven't tried it yet is it good
- maybe do stuff like that vadact? please? with a cherry on top?